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Author Archives: Palmer

Food storage: How to keep fruits and vegetables fresh without a refrigerator

A brief examination of history reveals numerous lessons on how the early humans kept fruits and vegetables fresh well before the advent of electricity and refrigeration technology. What’s compelling about these traditional techniques is their simplicity and adaptability across different environments. Traditional methods of refrigeration These age-old techniques are not only sustainable, they also foster a deeper understanding of natural preservation methods ...

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Depression: What you need to know and how to beat it

While it is perfectly normal to feel sad or grieve over changes in your life situation, intense sadness and grief can turn into depression over time. But there are many ways to handle the symptoms of depression. Here are some self-help ways to alleviate the symptoms of depression and minimize its impact on daily life. Get some exercise Regular exercise ...

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What Are The 5 Best Chocolate Chip Cookies?

Chocolate chip cookies are hard to beat. But they are also hard to perfect. When it comes to store-bought treats, they usually don’t taste as good as grandma’s homemade recipe, but there are a few contenders that stand out above the rest. So, which are the best chocolate chip cookies that you can grab for a quick fix? People love cookies! ...

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A devastating tree virus is threatening the world’s chocolate supply. Scientists are using math to stop it

LAWRENCE, Kan. — Chocolate, the beloved treat that brings joy to millions, is facing a world-changing threat. A rapidly spreading virus is attacking the cacao trees that provide the essential ingredient for our favorite indulgence, putting the global chocolate supply at risk. However, a team of researchers is fighting back, armed with an unlikely weapon to save chocolate: math. The ...

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Starbucks baristas reveal their favorite drinks, with cold brews and concoctions leading the way

Ask any Starbucks regular what their favorite drink is and you’ll likely get an answer within seconds. But what do the baristas themselves prefer when it comes to their daily coffee or caffeine fix? We scoured Reddit to find out, and the results might surprise you. In an analysis of three recent threads on the r/starbucks subreddit, baristas shared their ...

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New England seafood loaded with more toxic ‘forever chemicals’ than realized, especially shrimp and lobster

HANOVER, N.H. — New England is known for its love of seafood, and New Hampshire is no exception. From succulent lobster to flaky cod, the ocean’s bounty is a staple on many Granite State tables. However, a new study out of Dartmouth College suggests that this beloved culinary tradition may come with an unseen risk: exposure to a class of ...

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DIY survival solution: Create activated charcoal at home

Activated charcoal has many survival uses, such as filtering water. You can buy activated charcoal for you survival stockpile. Alternatively, you can make it at home. One pound of activated charcoal costs $12 to $15 at the grocery, while making your own costs less than $1 per pound. For $20, you can have enough activated charcoal on hand for bartering or personal ...

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Gene therapy breakthrough allows toddler born deaf to hear

A British toddler born with a genetic condition resulting in deafness can now hear in one ear thanks to a pioneering new gene therapy treatment.  The case was reported at the American Society of Gene & Cell Therapy’s annual meeting which is taking place this week in Baltimore, MD. The girl—18-month-old Opal Sandy from Oxfordshire—received an experimental treatment for auditory ...

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Celery: A heart-healthy vegetable with cancer-fighting properties

Celery (Apium graveolens) is a low-calorie vegetable with long, fibrous stalks that you can eat raw or cooked. Despite its high water content, celery packs a nutritious punch and provides potent antioxidants that give it two remarkable health-supporting properties. According to animal and human studies, eating celery can help lower your blood pressure naturally and also fight different types of ...

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