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Tag Archives: health science

Nattokinase: A superfood enzyme for a healthier heart

You might not be familiar with nattokinase, but if you have any concerns about heart health, it’s something you might want to explore as this enzyme has powerful effects on blood clots and other cardiovascular health threats. It is found in natto, a traditional Japanese dish that is made using soybeans fermented with the bacterium Bacillus subtilis natto, which is ...

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Study shows aromatherapy with rose essential oil can help relieve stress naturally

Aromatherapy is a centuries-old medicinal practice that was widely used by various cultures around the world long before the advent of modern medicine. Back when people relied solely on plants to treat their ailments, ancient healers learned how to extract essential oils from herbs and resins and discovered several uses for these valuable natural products. In ancient Egypt, essential oils became a part of religious ...

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Depression: What you need to know and how to beat it

While it is perfectly normal to feel sad or grieve over changes in your life situation, intense sadness and grief can turn into depression over time. But there are many ways to handle the symptoms of depression. Here are some self-help ways to alleviate the symptoms of depression and minimize its impact on daily life. Get some exercise Regular exercise ...

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6 Good reasons to eat more beets

Beets, scientifically known as Beta vulgaris, are flowering plants that belong to the amaranth family. They are widely known for their colorful, edible taproots, which are said to be brimming with nutrients and incredible health benefits. While beetroots have an earthy flavor and aroma that some people might find disagreeable, research shows that there are plenty of reasons why they should be a part ...

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Wild blueberries found to improve cardiovascular health and cognitive performance in older adults

Blueberries are currently in season, perfect timing for you to consider adding this superfruit to your daily diet. According to a randomized controlled trial involving older adults, consuming 178 grams (around 75 to 80 pieces) of fresh wild blueberries every day can help you maintain healthy heart and brain functions. Wild blueberries vs ordinary blueberries While both are nutritious and ...

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Celery: A heart-healthy vegetable with cancer-fighting properties

Celery (Apium graveolens) is a low-calorie vegetable with long, fibrous stalks that you can eat raw or cooked. Despite its high water content, celery packs a nutritious punch and provides potent antioxidants that give it two remarkable health-supporting properties. According to animal and human studies, eating celery can help lower your blood pressure naturally and also fight different types of ...

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10 Compelling reasons to steer clear of gluten

Often found in wheat, rye, barley and a variety of other related grain products, gluten is a collective term for a variety of proteins, specifically prolamins. Since these gluten proteins are highly elastic, grains that contain gluten are very suitable for baking. However, for many people, a diet containing gluten can negatively impact their overall health. (h/t to Here are ...

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The mighty BLUEBERRY, a superfruit with anticancer properties

In a study published in Pathology Oncology Research, academic pathologist Dr. Yujiang Fang and a team of University of Missouri researchers found that blueberry fruit extracts can greatly improve the effectiveness of radiation therapy on cancer cells. Long known for their antioxidant properties, blueberries have exhibited “inherent abilities to prevent carcinogenesis, inhibit the proliferation of neoplastic cells, and reduce the ...

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Exploring the benefits of FASTING for treating COVID-19 and vaccine injuries

Fasting is traditionally recommended to address diabetes and manage weight, but research has shown that it can also possibly address Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) infection and injuries caused by the COVID-19 vaccine. According to the Epoch Times, fasting has a rich history spanning thousands of years. Breakfast, the first meal of the day, stems from the practice of ending the overnight ...

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Spirulina protects against COVID death, study finds

A new randomized controlled trial published in the journal Frontiers in Immunology reveals that spirulina, a nutrient-dense blue-green algae, is powerfully effective against the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). For six days, patients who tested positive for COVID took either spirulina and a conventional remedy, or just a conventional remedy without spirulina. Everyone in the spirulina group survived, but 15 percent of ...

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